Tips for Anal Sex Play
They say that opinions are like anuses because everybody’s got one. And that’s true! But if everybody’s got one, what’s the big deal about including the anus in your sex play? While there are people who genuinely believe that anal sex play is “gay”, who are they trying to kid? The anus isn’t sexually privatized!
So, relax, anal-curious people. These anal play tips are for everyone – gay, straight, and otherwise inclined. Your body is alive with sensory opportunities. And your anus is part of your body, so why would you leave it out of the fun? Let’s explore these helpful tips for anal play to gain a better understanding.
Anal Play Tip #1: Keep It Clean
When it comes to anal sex play, cleanliness is important, so be aware that you need to prepare for it to have the best experience possible. While some use an anal douche prior to sex, taking this step is a matter of personal preference. The rectum, immediately inside the anus, does not store matter that’s awaiting excretion from your body. That’s the job of the sigmoid colon, which is not implicated in anal play, being located higher up the gastrointestinal tract.
Washing the anus thoroughly and washing your hands is sufficient preparation. A small amount of waste may cling to the inside of the rectum. And you can prevent this effect with a diet rich in fiber, if you’re on the receiving end. This anal play tip is the best way to keep your anus clean and ready for love!
Anal Sex Play Training
If you’ve never allowed access to your back door, then the best way to satisfy your curiosity before involving anyone else is anal training. This is achieved by inserting butt plugs or vibrators in increasing circumferences/lengths into your anus and experimenting. And don’t forget the lube – a crucial anal sex tip!
Either purchase an anal training kit or assemble your own with existing sex toys. At the very least, you’ll satisfy your curiosity. But you may wonder why you’ve waited so long to try it! Just don’t forget to relax and take your time. You’re a newbie. Be kind to yourself.
Talk to Your Partner
You may be reading this because you and your partner have been discussing the possibility of trying anal sex play. Or maybe you’re just preparing to have that talk. But have “the talk” you must.
Communication between partners about any kind of sex is crucial and among these anal play tips, it’s one of the most important. That’s especially true if you’re contemplating your first experience of anal sex. Whether you’re the giver or the receiver, anal sex is to be approached collaboratively, with a knowledge of the physical factors in play and the full consent of both parties. And communication doesn’t conclude after you have that talk. It continues during anal sex play, to ensure that everyone’s comfortable and willing to continue.
Use a Condom
Even with your anal training toys, you should be using a condom. Condom use with sex toys is absolutely key to preventing contact with bacteria that can remain on your toys when used in the anus. You’ll still have to clean your toy but the condom provides an additional layer of safety.
Something extremely important to understand about condoms and anal sex play is that changing condoms is necessary when moving from the anus to the vagina. Not doing so risks the health of your partner, so keep a supply by the bedside. This is one of those anal play tips you can’t ignore! And did you know that there’s now an FDA-approved condom, specifically created for anal sex?
Lube Up with Top Drawer Toys
Anal sex play and personal lubricant are natural friends. Without lube, it’s unlikely you’ll wish to repeat the experience. Lube is also necessary to protect the integrity of the anus and rectum, which can tear if care isn’t taken. Lube smooths the way, protecting you from uncomfortable and potentially damaging friction that can spoil your experience.
But when you order the Box Rocker, Top Drawer Toys’ revolutionary new vibrating, thrusting sex toy, you get free lube and that’s not all. Versatile Box Rocker puts you in control of the fun with a wealth of customizable features including thrust depth and length! You can even use Box Rocker hands-free with the strap included or take it in the shower for water-resistant fun. And then, there’s the RF remote for even more personalized action! Get to know this incredible sex toy, then get your very own!